Last Room is an off-Broadway production inspired by the life of the late enigma Anthony Bourdain. In addition to designing promotional posters for the show, I had the opportunity to photograph the show's talented cast and crew in their immersive SoHo performance space.
Director Anna Rebek, lead actor Johnathann Dauermann, playwright Mitch Moxley, and producer Trey Tetreault.
"Last Room is the story about a solitary traveler in a hotel room—somewhere—unable to leave, unsure of where he came from, how he got there, or where he’s trying to go. The premise is drawn from an actual dream Bourdain described in an episode of his show Parts Unknown. The play is a meditation on the meaning of home, the joy and loneliness of travel, and the conflicts between fantasy and reality." -playwright Mitch Moxley
For the poster designs, I wanted to pull from the playwright's visual inspiration and bring in some of the deep blue tones that had been expressed in previous iterations of the show. Bourdain's silhouette is superimposed in an ambiguous, almost ethereal depiction.